• Single Dental Implants
  • Multiple Dental Implants
  • Sinus Grafting / Lifts
  • Bone Grafting
  • Same Day Implants and Fixed teeth
  • Implant Supported Dentures
  • Caring for Nervous Patients
  • Nerve Repositioning
  • Soft tissue / Plastic surgery for gums


All-on-4 Implant Dentistry


I would like to help you transform your life, just like Susan

“Pleasantly surprised, i really thought i was in for a harsh week until it started to heal. Day two could eat soft things easily. Far better than expected. Where we have gone from and to in just one week. Very very happy.”

Listen to Susan talk about her Teeth In A Day journey with Dr. Pretam Gharat

All-on-4 Implant Dentistry


I would like to help you transform your life, just like Patricia

“Pretam has been kind and explained all procedures clearly and efficiently. Pretam and the dental nurse have always put me at ease and I am amazed by the results.”

Single Tooth Implant Dentistry


I would like to help you transform your smile, just like Angela

“Very happy with my result. Very meticulous planning and this will result in a long lasting result.”

Same Day Fixed Teeth

0% Finance Options

16 Years Experience

Over 10,000 Hours Dental Implants

Expert In Complex Dental Implants

Award Winning Dental Implant Surgeon

Personalized Dental Implant Plans

Over 1500 Hours Continuing Dental Education


In the past, tooth loss used to be resolved by giving people removable dentures or bridges. However, dental implants have revolutionised treatment for people with broken or absent teeth. A dental implant (also known as an endosseous implant or fixture) is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge, denture, facial prosthesis or to act as an orthodontic anchor. The basis for modern dental implants is a biologic process called osseointegration where materials, such as titanium, form an intimate bond to bone. The majority of dental implants are made out of commercially pure titanium, which is available in four grades depending upon the amount of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron contained. A dental implant is an ideal solution to permanently replace both the missing tooth and root and is therefore one of the most widely applicable solutions to restore people’s smiles.


For people whose mouths aren’t able to have normal implants fitted but want to replace a full set of teeth, there is a new treatment called ‘All on 4’ which employs cleverly sited implants at the back and front of the jaws to form a foundation for dentures or bridges to span. All on 4 is less invasive than full implant treatments and the temporary teeth are fixed so patients can be free from their dentures on the day of implant placement. Once the healing period is completed and the implants have integrated with the bone, a high-quality, durable permanent titanium fixed bridge is fitted. For those patients who have suffered ill-fitting dentures or mobile, failing teeth for years, the provision of stable, comfortable, natural-looking teeth through dental implants really can restore that self-confidence and vitality that has often been lost.

Dr Gharat uses very well researched and well-known implant systems.  Our team works exclusively on dental implant treatments and we would never use poor quality or less well-researched systems. Our implants last for a very long time, possibly even for life, so we cannot justify cost-cutting. Our patients are extremely important to us. When you choose your implant dentist, we always recommend patients look carefully at the training of the surgeon and dentists involved, the materials used, experience of the team and the long-term back-up provided.  It is also a brilliant idea to visit the clinics and meet the staff in person.  That way, you will be able to make your mind up very quickly. Our experience is that the decision rarely comes down to price.

Being concerned about the investment towards implant treatments is perfectly normal. It is down to each individual patient to decide if the improvements to quality of life, function, confidence, and appearance are worthwhile. Dr Gharat will only prescribe treatment that is necessary. If you are searching for a bargain, please keep in mind that we regularly have to repair many cases from other clinics that have gone wrong due to inadequate planning, skills, or materials. Our fees may seem steep at the outset, but bear in mind that they usually include all planning, consultations, x-rays, 3D scans, procedures, implants, crowns, review appointments, any further appointments if needed, and usually maintenance upto 1 year after the procedure.

Please do not believe everything you hear about the numbers of implants that some dentists claim to place.

Unlike Dr Gharat, very few dentists keep accurate audit records of their implants and so often their claims are nothing more than guesswork.

Dr Gharat and the support team have an exceptional level of experience, something that should be extremely reassuring for both our patients and our referring dentists.

When asked about the treatment, our patient Mr P Brownhill says,“Excellent dentist with a professional, courteous and friendly manner. Very good level of communication and care at every stage from consultation through extraction, preparation and final fitting of my implant. Highly recommended.”

This is one of the most common concerns for people thinking about having dental implants. When carried out by an experienced clinician, most dental implants are very straightforward to place, taking only about fifteen minutes to complete the surgical part of the treatment.

All dental implant treatments are carried out under local anaesthesia, so you will be comfortable and pain free during the implant placement. You will feel some pressing and pushing during the procedure as well as some vibration during the drilling stage, but this will not be sharp or painful in any way and your dentist will check to make sure you are completely numb before starting the surgery.

Expect some discomfort and sometimes bruising a few days after the implant is placed, but most of our patients tell us that it is similar or even lesser compared to having a tooth extracted. Over the counter pain relief such as paracetamol and ibuprofen along with antiseptic mouthwash helps to prevent infection and promote healing.

For bigger procedures, such as multiple implants or complex cases, or if you are a nervous patient, sedation can be provided. Sedation is not a general anaesthetic, but makes patients feel very comfortable and relaxed, and they rarely remember much about the procedure afterwards which is an advantage for many nervous patients.

Obviously, the more training and experience the clinician carrying out your dental implant treatment has, the quicker it will be and the more comfortable you are going to be, so make sure you check out your implant surgeon thoroughly before starting treatment.

With modern and innovative techniques utilised by Dr Gharat, means that many patients can avoid any kind of bone grafting altogether – even if you have been told you need this by others.

When it is necessary, we use many different materials for bone grafting, which are chosen on a case-by-case basis as the best possible material for each patient.  However, we now use synthetic, laboratory-made materials more and more, replacing the need for animal derived products almost completely.  These synthetic products are rapidly replaced by the body’s own bone, meaning that they disappear completely from the body within a few months. Dr Gharat is experienced in simple and complex bone grafting procedures to ensure a satisfactory and long-term outcome for our patients.

It is possible to have teeth extracted and immediately place implants into the extraction sockets – ‘Immediate Implants’. You can even then have temporary teeth added onto these implants on the same day – ‘Teeth in a day’. There are a few factors which can make it necessary to wait for healing after tooth removal, e.g. whether there is any sign of infection.  If infection is present, we need to allow a healing phase of eight to twelve weeks before we can place the implants. Do not worry – you never need to have a gap if you do not wish to have one. There are all sorts of provisional solutions to make sure that at no point will we let you go without a tooth in your mouth and cause any embarrassment.

If the treatment is straightforward, it can be a little as twelve to sixteen weeks from placement of the implant to fit of the final crown. However, sometimes treatment can take longer depending on the level of complexity of your case, with some patients not finishing for up to a year or longer. The exact time frame will be ascertained from your assessment by Dr Gharat.

Any surgical procedure can have complications and dental implants are no exception. Implant failure is real. When an implant is placed, your bone then needs to grow onto and fuse to the implant, in a process known as ‘osseointegration’. In the unlikely event that your bone fails to grow onto an implant, we offer the choice of either a full refund, or to replace the implant completely free of charge. Usually when we try again, a second failure is exceptionally rare.

We are very careful to continuously audit our results and assess our performance, and we always strive to excel. Our audited implant integration rates are over 98% and we will be happy and proud to show you our figures at any time. This exceptional figure is down to both the skill and experience of the team, and to the quality of the materials we use.

Normally, yes – we have worked with many exceptional cases where other implant dentists have said there is not enough bone. We will do a thorough assessment of course, including detailed x-rays and the latest in 3D imaging to assess the bone available. We also use advanced 3D guided surgery which is the cutting edge technology in dental implant procedures and utilised by only a select few, who are on the top of their game.

Very rarely will there be not enough bone to safely work with implants and then we have to consider alternative dental options to replace the teeth.

Yes we can and we are highly experienced. Dr Gharat has been trained by the prestigious Nobel Biocare All-on-4 clinicians. A system which has been the pioneer in full mouth implant procedures. You do not need one implant per tooth and can actually have as few as four implants to replace all of the upper or lower teeth. There are a variety of options for the type of bridgework supplied, which can either be removable dentures or fixed bridges. We are happy to discuss these options over the free video consultation or in person at any of the locations where Dr Gharat operates from.

We are able to remove the bad teeth, place implants and give you immediate teeth onto the implants all in one session –  ‘Immediate Implants’. This is also called ‘Teeth in a Day,’ which you may have heard about.  This requires expereince and thorough planning. See the website ‘Implant Treatments’ section on this fascinating area for more information. Not everyone is able to have this treatment, but we will do so wherever it is safe and will have a high success rate due to our training and experience.

Absolutely. Dentures are most patients’ nightmare due to the difficulty in wearing and the effect on all aspects of life.

Small dentures can be replaced with just a few implants, or complete (full) dentures can either be held in position with implants or replaced with implants altogether – surely the most amazing dental transformation available.

Changing lives through cosmetic and reconstructive dentistry is the greatest privilege of my life.

Dr Pretam Gharat

Book Your Dental Implant Consultation with Dr Pretam Gharat Today.

“I strive to deliver pain-free dentistry, in a comfortable, warm and friendly environment and to build lifelong relationships and trust with patients.”

-Dr Pretam Gharat

“Prague never lets you go… this dear little mother has sharp claws”

– Franz Kafka


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